January 11, 2011

Reverse Pagination For SEO?

"Many sites with pagination have an SEO problem. As you add new content to the site, more pages are created and the older content moves from page 1 to page 2 and so on. This produces an issue where (1) Google's page one content is out of date to what users see, (2) page one content can sometimes be duplicate to page two, based on a crawl lag and (3) even with different content, many paginated pages are seen as duplicate by search engines for one reason or another.

A supporters only WebmasterWorld thread (paid access required for link) describes this problem. Senior member, g1smd, has tried a reverse pagination method to try to solve the issues.

By reverse pagination, I mean, that instead of putting new content on page one, you keep the page number you assigned for the new content as it ages. So for example, content piece A was assigned page number X, as that content A gets older and newer content comes, the page number for X remains page number X. Maybe you use time based URLs to achieve this or maybe just some unique string of some sorts."

Read More details here - Reverse Pagination For SEO?


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