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The posts published in this blog are collected from different blogs or websites written by various famous bloggers/writers. I have just collected these posts only. These posts are not written by me. All collected posts are the great stuffs.

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All content provided/collected on this blog is for informational purposes only, it is not used for any commercial purpose. At the end of any post, the visitor can find the link of the original source.

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At the end of any post, the visitor can find the link of the original source. These posts are only for further reference to review/study latter. It’s a request to all visitors; please go through the original post by clicking on the source given below/above of every post.

October 27, 2011

Basics Tips to Optimize your Video

While everyone agreed on the basics there is clearly a lot of opportunity to break new ground in Video Optimization.
Top 10 Basics to Optimize your Video. Do these if you do nothing else:
1) Do keyword research to determine the best tags for your video.
  • Forget common sense, tag based on how people are searching (Chase Nolan).
  • But don’t keyword stuff – the video search engines look for that and will mark you down for it (Matthew Scheybeler).
  • And don’t tag with popular yet irrelevant search terms (Gregory Markel)
2) Build a page on your site for each video that you produce and make sure you tag it with meta data appropriately. (Steve Espinosa)
3) Add rich metadata to the video as well. Most video search today is still based on metadata (Chase Nolan).
4) Make sure that you are consistent with how you tag it across the various video sharing sites. (Steve Espinosa)
5) Utilize Thumbnails – YouTube takes the frame from the 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 mark and let’s you pick which one to use as your thumbnail(Steve Espinosa).
6) Show your call to action (ie.your phone number) in your thumbnail so when your YouTube video shows up in the Google Search Results the call to action will be front and center (Steve Espinosa).
7) Do not use active X controls as there is no active x control in YouTube (Steve Espinosa).
8) Avoid flash only and entirely dynamic video (Gregory Markel).
9) Video Length- people don’t want to watch a 4 min video. Look at your analytics. If your video is 2 minutes long and people are leaving the page at 30 seconds then you know your video’s too long (Matthew Scheybeler).
10) Don’t forget to incorporate a call to action at the end of the video (Matthew Scheybeler).
Additional Killer Tips for more Advanced Optimization:
Greg Jaraboe
  • YouTube is a video search engine but its primary benefit is that it’s a video sharing site. So optimizing is important but video sharing strategy is more important.
  • If you look at your metrics you will see that a HUGE proportion of your views come from Related Videos not from YouTube search results. In other words, people don’t just watch one video at a time, they watch videos. And they are using the related videos feature in YouTube to find additional content.
  • 71% of views from embedded player, 7.4% form YouTube Search – Customize your video player for people to upload to their blogs.
Chase Norlin
  • Push out RSS/MRSS and update frequently. Video search crawling has not been automated. It’s important to push it out regularly
  • Contact and submit to video search engines. If you email them you will get into their crawl queue. You will become a source that’s regularly crawled.
  • Running a video search engine on your site can help you get more searches and page views which will help your site get more page views, ad revenue etc. Plus it gives the traditional search engines more content to crawl.
Stephen Espinosa
  • Use A/B testing to determine which videos get the best response. Link to these videos from your home page.
  • Use Google Local + Video – people are 3.3 more likely to click. This is similar to the studies that show that sponsored search + organic increases CTR beyond just appearing for one result alone.
Gregory Markel
  • Promote your video at Social Bookmarking and tagging sites. i.e. Digg, StumbleUpon, etc.
  • Use content targeting through Google Adwords to promote your video within YouTube. Adwords is a fraction of the cost of what you would pay to YouTube.
  • Use your keywords to see how the top viewed videos are searched. Look at how many comments, honors, and links they’re got. This gives you insight into what your video needs to achieve to rank well for these keywords as well.
  • Find videos with a lot of views and create a video response video. This will enable you to piggyback on the popularity of the other video. Make sure that your title and description are similar to the popular video.
Optimizing video using SEO best practices is just a start. By combining good optimization with Social Media promotional tactics, you can greatly increase the popularity of your video.

By Jennifer Osborne

Source :
aimClear® Search Marketing Blog

October 25, 2011

Some Interesting .htaccess Snippets To Optimize Your Website

Apache .htaccess file is at the heart of your web server and control how your website will react to different actions performed by your visitors. I’ve compiled 10+ awesome .htaccess snippets to optimize your website in many ways: Redirections, performances, ease of use… Enjoy!
All of the snippets below have to be pasted into your .htaccess file, which is located on the root of your Apache server.
Waring: Always make sure you have a working backup before editing your .htaccess file!

Force trailing slash

Many clients of mine asked me for always having a trailing slash at the end of their urls. Looks like it’s great for SEO. The following snippet will alwyas add a trailing slash to your site urls.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /+[^\.]+$
RewriteRule ^(.+[^/])$ %{REQUEST_URI}/ [R=301,L]


Prevent hotlinking

Hotlinking (the act of using images from another site than yours) is unfortunely a common practice which can waste lots of your precious bandwidth. This useful snippets will redirect all hotlinked images to a specific image, defined on line 6.
RewriteEngine On
#Replace ?mysite\.com/ with your blog url
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.+\.)?mysite\.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
#Replace /images/nohotlink.jpg with your "don't hotlink" image url
RewriteRule .*\.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png)$ /images/nohotlink.jpg [L]

Redirect mobile devices

If your site is not using responsive web design yet, it could be very useful to be able to redirect mobile device to a mobile-specific version of your website.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/m/.*$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} "text/vnd.wap.wml|application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "acs|alav|alca|amoi|audi|aste|avan|benq|bird|blac|blaz|brew|cell|cldc|cmd-" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "dang|doco|eric|hipt|inno|ipaq|java|jigs|kddi|keji|leno|lg-c|lg-d|lg-g|lge-" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}  "maui|maxo|midp|mits|mmef|mobi|mot-|moto|mwbp|nec-|newt|noki|opwv" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "palm|pana|pant|pdxg|phil|play|pluc|port|prox|qtek|qwap|sage|sams|sany" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "sch-|sec-|send|seri|sgh-|shar|sie-|siem|smal|smar|sony|sph-|symb|t-mo" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "teli|tim-|tosh|tsm-|upg1|upsi|vk-v|voda|w3cs|wap-|wapa|wapi" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "wapp|wapr|webc|winw|winw|xda|xda-" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "up.browser||windowssce|iemobile|mini|mmp" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "symbian|midp|wap|phone|pocket|mobile|pda|psp" [NC]
#------------- The line below excludes the iPad
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^.*iPad.*$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !macintosh [NC] #*SEE NOTE BELOW
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /m/ [L,R=302]

Force download of a specific filetype

For some reasons you may need to force download of specific files, such as MP3s or XLS. This code snippets will prevent your visitor’s browser to read the file and force downloading instead.

ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment

ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment


Cross Domain Font embedding for Firefox

When embedding a font, Firefox do not allow you to embed from an external website. Using the .htaccess snippet below, you can bypass this limitation.

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin ""


Speed up your site with .htaccess caching

This is probably the most useful snippet of this whole list. By using some simple .htaccess file cahing, you can dramatically increase your website speed. A snippet you should always have on your toolbox!
# 1 YEAR

Header set Cache-Control "max-age=29030400, public"

# 1 WEEK

Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public"

# 2 DAYS

Header set Cache-Control "max-age=172800, proxy-revalidate"

# 1 MIN

Header set Cache-Control "max-age=60, private, proxy-revalidate"


Stop spam on your WordPress blog

Sick of spammers on your WordPress blog? Of course, Akismet helps a lot, but your .htaccess file can also help: Today’s recipe is a snippet that prevent spam bots to directly access your wp-comments-post.php file, which is used to post comments on your blog.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .wp-comments-post\.php*
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !.*yourdomainname.* [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^$
RewriteRule (.*) ^http://%{REMOTE_ADDR}/$ [R=301,L]


Redirect different feeds to a single format

Years ago, differents feed formats, such as RSS, Atom or Rdf were used. Nowadays, it seems that RSS is definitely the most used. This snippets allows you to redirect all feeds formats to a single feed. This snippet can be used “as it” on WordPress blogs.

RedirectMatch 301 /feed/(atom|rdf|rss|rss2)/?$
RedirectMatch 301 /comments/feed/(atom|rdf|rss|rss2)/?$


Configure your website for HTML5 videos

HTML5 is bringing lots of new exiting options in the world of web development. Among other cool features, being able to play videos without using Flash is really cool. Though, you have to configure your server properly to work with the latest HTML5 video standards. This snippet will definitely help.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
AddType video/ogg .ogv
AddType video/ogg .ogg
AddType video/mp4 .mp4
AddType video/webm .webm
AddType application/x-shockwave-flash swf

Log PHP errors

Instead of displaying PHP errors to your site (and to possible hackers…) this code snippet will log it into a .log file while hiding errors to visitors.
# display no errs to user
php_flag display_startup_errors off
php_flag display_errors off
php_flag html_errors off
# log to file
php_flag log_errors on
php_value error_log /location/to/php_error.log

Run PHP inside JavaScript files

When coding in JavaScript, it can very useful to be able to use PHP inside the .js files, for example for retrieving data from your database. Here is a snippet to allow the use of PHP inside .js files.
AddType application/x-httpd-php .js
AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .js

SetHandler application/x-httpd-php



October 21, 2011

Why Should I Change My URLs for SEO?

Every SEO eventually gets fixated on a tactic. Maybe you read 100 blog posts about how to build the “perfectly” optimized URL, and you keep tweaking and tweaking until you get it just right. Fast-forward 2 months – you’re sitting on 17 layers of 301-redirects, you haven’t done any link-building, you haven’t written any content, you’re eating taco shells with mayonnaise for lunch, and your cat is dead.
Ok, maybe that’s a bit extreme. I do see a lot of questions about the "ideal" URL structure in Q&A, though. Most of them boil down to going from pretty good URLs to slightly more pretty good URLs.

All Change Is Risky

I know it’s not what the motivational speakers want you to hear, but in the real world, change carries risk. Even a perfectly executed site-wide URL change – with pristine 301-redirects – is going to take time for Google to process. During that time, your rankings may bounce. You may get some errors. If your new URL scheme isn’t universally better than the old one, some pages may permanently lose ranking. There’s no good way to A/B test a site-wide SEO change.
More often, it’s just a case of diminishing returns. Going from pretty good to pretty gooder probably isn’t worth the time and effort, let alone the risk. So, when should you change your URLs? I’m going to dive into 5 specific scenarios to help you answer that question…

(1) Dynamic URLs

A dynamic URL creates content from code and data and carries parameters, like this:
It’s a common SEO misconception that Google can’t read these URLs or gets cut off after 2 or 3 parameters. In 2011, that’s just not true – although there are reasonable limits on URL length. The real problems with dynamic URLs are usually more complex:
  • They don’t contain relevant keywords.
  • They’re more prone to creating duplicate content.
  • They tend to be less user-friendly (lower click-through).
  • They tend to be longer.
So, when are your URLs too dynamic? The example above definitely needs help. It’s long, it has no relevant keywords, the color and size parameters are likely creating tons of near-duplicates, and the session ID is creating virtually unlimited true duplicates. If you don’t want to be mauled by Panda, it’s time for a change.
In other cases, though, it’s not so simple. What if you have a blog post URL like this?
It’s technically a “dynamic” URL, so should you change it to something like:
I doubt you’d see much SEO benefit, or that the rewards would outweigh the risks. In a perfect world, the second URL is better, and if I was starting a blog from scratch I’d choose that one, no question. On an established site with 1000s of pages, though, I’d probably sit tight.

(2) Unstructured URLs

Another common worry people have is that their URLs don’t match their site structure. For example, they have a URL like this one:
...and they think they should add folders to represent their site architecture, like:
There’s a false belief in play here – people often think that URL structure signals site structure. Just because your URL is 3 levels deep doesn’t mean the crawlers will treat the page as being 3 levels deep. If the first URL is 6 steps from the home-page and the second URL is 1 step away, the second URL is going to get a lot more internal link-juice (all else being equal).
You could argue that the second URL carries more meaning for visitors, but, unfortunately, it’s also longer, and the most unique keywords are pushed to the end. In most cases, I’d lean toward the first version.
Of course, the reverse also applies. Just because a URL structure is “flat” and every page is one level deep, that doesn’t mean that you’ve created a flat site architecture. Google still has to crawl your pages through the paths you’ve built. The flatter URL may have some minor advantages, but it’s not going to change the way that link-juice flows through your site.
Structural URLs can also create duplicate content problems. Let’s say that you allow visitors to reach the same page via 3 different paths:
Now, you’ve created 2 pieces of duplicate content – Google is going to see 3 pages that look exactly the same. This is more of a crawl issue than a URL issue, and there are ways to control how these URLs get indexed, but an overly structured URL can exacerbate these problems.

(3) Long URLs

How long of a URL is too long? Technically, a URL should be able to be as long as it needs to be. Some browsers and servers may have limits, but those limits are well beyond anything we’d consider sane by SEO or usability standards. For example, IE8 can support a URL of up to 2,083 characters.
Practically speaking, though, long URLs can run into trouble. Very long URLs:
  • Dilute the ranking power of any given URL keyword
  • May hurt usability and click-through rates
  • May get cut off when people copy-and-paste
  • May get cut off by social media applications
  • Are a lot harder to remember
How long is too long is a bit more art than science. One of the key issues, in my mind, is redundancy. Good URLs are like good copy – if there’s something that adds no meaning, you should probably lose it. For example, here’s a URL with a lot of redundancy:
If you have a “/store” subfolder, do you also need a “/products” layer? If we know you’re in the store/products layer, does your category have to be tagged as “featured-products” (why not just “featured”)? Is the “featured” layer necessary at all? Does each product have to also be tagged with “product-“? Are the waffles so tasty you need to say it twice?
In reality, I’ve seen much longer and even more redundant URLs, but that example represents some of the most common problems. Again, you have to consider the trade-offs. Fixing a URL like that one will probably have SEO benefits. Stripping “/blog” out of all your blog post URLs might be a nice-to-have, but it isn’t going to make much practical difference.

(4) Keyword Stuffing

Scenarios (3)-(5) have a bit of overlap. Keyword-stuffed URLs also tend to be long and may cannibalize other pages. Typically, though a keyword-stuffed URL has either a lot of repetition or tries to tackle every variant of the target phrase. For example:
It’s pretty rare to see a penalty based solely on keyword-stuffed URLs, but usually, if your URLs are spammy, it’s a telltale sign that your title tags,

’s, copy, etc. are spammy. Even if Google doesn’t slap you around a little, it’s just a matter of focus. If you target the same phrase 14 different ways, you may get more coverage, but each phrase will also get less attention. Prioritize and focus – not just with URLs, but all keyword targeting. If you throw everything at the wall to see what sticks, you usually just end up with a dirty wall.

(5) Keyword Cannibalization

This is probably the toughest problem to spot, as it happens over an entire site – you can’t spot it in a single URL (and, practically speaking, it’s not just a URL problem). Keyword cannibalization results when you try to target the same keywords with too many URLs.
There’s no one right answer to this problem, as any site with a strong focus is naturally going to have pages and URLs with overlapping keywords. That’s perfectly reasonable. Where you get into trouble is splitting off pages into a lot of sub-pages just to sweep up every long-tail variant. Once you carry that too far, without the unique content to support it, you’re going to start to dilute your index and make your site look “thin”.
The URLs here are almost always just a symptom of a broader disease. Ultimately, if you’ve gotten too ambitious with your scope, you’re going to need to consolidate those pages, not just change a few URLs. This is even more important post-Panda. It used to be that thin content would only impact that content – at worst, it might get ignored. Now, thin content can jeopardize the rankings of your entire site.

Proceed With Caution

If you do decide a sitewide URL change is worth the risk, plan and execute it carefully. How to implement a sitewide URL change is beyond the scope of this post, but keep in mind a couple of high-level points:
  1. Use proper 301-redirects.
  2. Redirect URL-to-URL, for every page you want to keep.
  3. Update all on-page links.
  4. Don’t chain redirects, if you can avoid it.
  5. Add a new XML sitemap.
  6. Leave the old sitemap up temporarily.
Point (3) bears repeating. More than once, I’ve seen someone make a sitewide technical SEO change, implement perfect 301 redirects, but then not update all of their navigation. Your crawl paths are still the most important signal to the spiders – make sure you’re 100% internally consistent with the new URLs.
That last point (6) is a bit counterintuitive, but I know a number of SEOs who insist on it. The problem is simple – if crawlers stop seeing the old URLs, they might not crawl them to process the 301-redirects. Eventually, they’ll discover the new URLs, but it might take longer. By leaving the old sitemap up temporarily, you encourage crawlers to process the redirects. If those 301-redirects are working, this won’t create duplicate content. Usually, you can remove the old sitemap after a few weeks.
Even done properly and for the right reasons, measure carefully and expect some rankings bounce over the first couple of weeks. Sometimes, Google just needs time to evaluate the new structure.

Posted by
Source : SEOmoz

October 12, 2011

Useful .htaccess Snippets to Have in Your Toolbox | SEO Howto and Tutorial

.htaccess, thе file whісh control thе Apache webserver, іѕ very useful аnԁ allows уου tο ԁο a lot οf things. In thіѕ article, I hаνе compiled 10 .htaccess snippets thаt аnу web developer ѕhουƖԁ hаνе іn hіѕ toolbox. Before editing уουr .htaccess file, always mаkе a backup ѕο уου саn restore іt іf needed.
Remove WWW іn URL
Fοr SEO reasons, уου mіɡht always remove (οr υѕе) thе www prefix іn уουr urls. Thе following snippet wіƖƖ remove thе www frοm уουr website url аnԁ redirect аnу url wіth thе www tο thе non-www version.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^уου$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://уου$1 [L,R=301]
Prevent Hotlinking
Prevent Hotlinking іѕ a bаԁ practice thаt consist οf using thе images frοm another site οn yours. Whеn уου’re hotlinked bу someone еƖѕе, уουr bandwidth іѕ used fοr someone еƖѕе profit. Of course, уου mау want tο prevent hotlinkers. Jυѕt add thе following snippet tο уουr .htaccess file аftеr replacing thе example urls bу уουr οwn urls.
RewriteEngine On
#Replace ?mysite\.com/ wіth уουr blog url
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.+\.)?mysite\.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
#Replace /images/nohotlink.jpg wіth уουr "don't hotlink" image url
RewriteRule .*\.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png)$ /images/nohotlink.jpg [L]
Redirect AƖƖ WordPress Feeds tο Feedburner
Mοѕt bloggers аrе using Feedburner, a web service thаt lets уου know hοw many people аrе reading уουr blog via feeds. If уου’re using WordPress, уου ѕhουƖԁ redirect аƖƖ WordPress feeds (rss, atom, etc) tο уουr feedburner feed. Modify lines 2 аnԁ 3, аnԁ thеn paste thіѕ code tο уουr .htaccess file.

RedirectMatch 301 /feed/(atom|rdf|rss|rss2)/?$ \

RedirectMatch 301 /comments/feed/(atom|rdf|rss|rss2)/?$ \

Crеаtе Custom Error Pages
Tired οf thе οƖԁ errors pages οf уουr site? Jυѕt сrеаtе ѕοmе html files wіth thе look уου want, upload thеm tο уουr server, аnԁ add thе following tο уουr .htaccess file:
ErrorDocument 400 /errors/badrequest.html
ErrorDocument 401 /errors/authreqd.html
ErrorDocument 403 /errors/forbid.html
ErrorDocument 404 /errors/notfound.html
ErrorDocument 500 /errors/serverr.html
Force Download οf Specific Files
Whеn offering ѕοmе files such аѕ mp3s, eps οr xls, fοr download οn уουr site, уου mау force download instead οf letting thе browser ԁесіԁе whаt tο ԁο. Thіѕ snippet wіƖƖ force thе download οf .xls аnԁ .eps files frοm уουr server.

ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment

ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
Log PHP Errors
Thіѕ snippet іѕ аn іntеrеѕtіnɡ way tο log errors frοm уουr php file іntο a log file. Jυѕt сrеаtе a php_error.log file somewhere οn уουr server, аnԁ add thе snippet tο уουr .htaccess file. Don’t forget tο modify thе log file location οn line 7.
# ԁіѕрƖау nο errs tο user
php_flag display_startup_errors οff
php_flag display_errors οff
php_flag html_errors οff
# log tο file
php_flag log_errors οn
php_value error_log /location/tο/php_error.log
Remove File Extensions Frοm URLs
File extensions mау bе useful tο developers, bυt thеrе’s absolutely nο need fοr уουr site visitors tο bе аbƖе tο see thеm. Thіѕ snippet wіƖƖ remove thе .html extension οn аnу html files. Of course, thіѕ code саn bе easily adapted tο remove extensions frοm οthеr file extensions such аѕ php.
RewriteEngine οn
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.html -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.html
# Replace html wіth уουr file extension, eg: php, htm, asp
Prevent Directory Listing
On уουr web server, whеn a directory ԁο nοt hаνе аn index file, Apache automatically сrеаtе a list οf аƖƖ files frοm thе current directory. If уου ԁο nοt wish thаt anyone саn see whісh files аrе οn уουr server, јυѕt add thе following code tο уουr .htaccess file tο prevent automatic directory listing.
Options -Indexes
Reduce Pages Weight bу Compressing Static Data
Dο уου know thаt іt іѕ possible tο send compressed data tο thе visitors, whісh wіƖƖ bе decompressed bу thе client? Thіѕ code wіƖƖ ԁеfіnіtеƖу save уου (аnԁ уουr visitor) bandwidth аnԁ reduce уουr pages weight.
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/xml \
application/xhtml+xml text/javascript text/css application/x-javascript
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-οnƖу-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4.0[678] nο-gzip
BrowserMatch bMSIE !nο-gzip !gzip-οnƖу-text/html
Automatically Add UTF-8 Charset tο Files
In order tο avoid encoding problems, уου саn force a specific encoding directly οn уουr .htaccess file. Thаt way, уου’ll ensure thаt уουr html documents wіƖƖ always render correctly, even іf уουr forget tο add a directive οn уουr html pages.

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

Source : SEO Howto and Tutorial

October 11, 2011

Google Panda Update [Infographic]

Google has been on the prowl over recent months in an attempt to clean up its search engine. Before the infamous Google Panda Update there were a number of sites ranking in top positions that were there from low quality link building activities.
Further from Kaleigh’s post in August, 6 months on from the first roll out of the update, we have designed an infographic that outlines what the update has targeted over recent months and we have outlined what elements the algorithm has looked at to decide what is a good quality website and what is a low quality website. We have also put together a timeline for you so you can see if this matches up with the time your website lost its positions.
If you think your website was hit by Google’s Panda Update then fear not, we have outlined some possible ways in which you can make Panda work for you.

How Has The Panda Update Affected Search Engine Optimisation?

By :Matt B
Source :

Increasing Importance and Dominance of Local Search

The recent SMX conference got us thinking about forecasts for future changes that will affect all of us as online marketers. One topic that dominated conversation at the conference was the increasing importance and dominance of local search.
Increasingly, local listings have come to dominate search results pages. For many queries, after paid ads and local results, there is only room for one organic, non-local result above the fold on a search results page. In order to show up above the fold for many of these competitive terms, you either need to pay per click for traffic or totally crush your local SEO campaign.
Furthermore, Google has stated that 20% of searches on its properties have local intent, a figure that doubles to 40% for mobile search. These factors all point to the fact that if your local business is not ranking in local search, you’re almost certainly missing out significantly on visibility and traffic.
Even if you’ve dabbled in local before, it’s a good idea to revamp your campaign at regular intervals. If your campaign has grown a bit stale or simply isn’t producing the results you were expecting, it’s time to go back to the drawing board. Below I’ve outlined some tips to help put you on the map (Bet you didn’t see that local SEO pun coming!)

Benchmark Your Efforts

First things first, keep up to date with the number of citations you have. An easy way to do this is to do a search for your business name, address, and phone number. By now you know that the more high quality citations you have the better, so keep an accurate count of these and monitor new ones that come in. Doing so will help you identify opportunities and “low-hanging fruit” as well as help you be more effective overall with your link building/citation strategy.

Find Alternative Citation Sources

As Will Scott (@wscott) from Search Influence put it (paraphrasing here) – “If it has your NAP [Name, Address. Phone Number] info and it’s near a link to your website, it’s a citation.” It’s worthwhile to look outside the most common citation sources like Yelp and CitySearch to go after additional, outside-the-box citations.
Below is a citation for Grimaldi’s, a classic Brooklyn pizzeria. The citation comes from, a particularly relevant citation source for someone in the restaurant business. Even though this isn’t a traditional citation source, it’s a valuable placement on a high quality site.
Whenever possible, incorporate your NAP information into your link building strategy.

Inspire Reviews

Reviews should always be organically achieved. Don’t try to game the system by buying reviews or enlisting employees to write them for you. It’s a better use of time and money to try to inspire genuine reviews from real customers. Leverage email and social campaigns to encourage these reviews.
Amazon does a good job of following up with customers throughout the purchase process – even after the transaction is complete. Amazon’s strategy could easily be repurposed for a local campaign – all you need is an email address. Send follow-ups whenever possible, thanking customers for their patronage or purchase and asking them for a review. One SMX presenter recommended segmenting email lists so you can direct logged in Gmail users directly to a Google review page, and Yahoo! Mail users to Yahoo! Local.
If you don’t have a large email database to pull from, try reaching out to your social communities. If they love you, you shouldn’t have trouble inspiring a number of them to write reviews.

Speaking of Reviews…Diversity Counts

Google does not pull in reviews from other sites to show on their own search results pages, so reviews from Yelp and others will never show up in SERPS. That said, Google has stated that reviews from a variety of sources may be used as a factor to determine the location prominence score of a business. If you only have reviews from one or two sources, make an effort to encourage diversification of review sources.
Local Information On-Site
Securing a large volume of high quality citations can be difficult and time consuming. Luckily, there are onsite factors you can work on to make a difference in the meantime.
If you are a multi-location business, building out single location landing pages as opposed to using a single page format will make a huge difference in ensuring that all locations have a chance of ranking in local search.
Do This:
Not This:
Also consider incorporating your NAP information in onsite elements, like title tags and HTML tags, on local landing pages to give strong signals to the engines that you are a local business.

This article originally appeared on Blue Fountain Media Blog and has been republished with permission

Source : Business 2 Community

October 7, 2011

Google AdWords Ad Extensions Guide

oOne of the most underutilized weapons in a number of AdWords accounts is ad extensions. Ad extensions allow you to take up more real estate on the SERP, providing additional links to your site, product images and other information that can draw people in and increase your click-through rates. In this guide, we’ll be walking through each of the AdWords ad extensions in detail, showing you how they work, when they work, and why you’d want to leverage them.
In this post I will provide a brief overview of each. Click the headings on each section for an in-depth look at each of the AdWords ad extensions.

They Are ---

Google AdWords Location Extensions
Google AdWords Product Extensions
Google AdWords Ad Sitelinks
Google AdWords Call Extensions

Google AdWords Location Extensions
The first post in our series on Google AdWords Ad Extensions will focus on AdWords location extensions. Location extensions are a feature within Google AdWords that allows you to add location data about your business to your ad:
AdWords Location Extensions
In this post we’ll walk through why these extensions are important, how you can use them in your account, and when to use the extensions as well as how best to apply them.

Why Are Google AdWords Location Extensions Important?

Location extensions allow you to get more real estate on the SERP and provide more information to local searchers, including a clickable phone number on mobile devices. Given that AdWords location targeting is probably more aggressive than you think, this is a pretty powerful option. Marissa Mayer noted recently that roughly 20 percent of the searches on Google are for local information and roughly 40 percent of mobile searches are after local info. That’s a large swath of potential searchers, and there are a number of local businesses for whom getting additional real estate in a search result and getting easier access to a connection with potential customers is important.

How Can I Use Google AdWords Location Extensions?

Location extensions are relatively quick and easy to set up. You create location extensions at the campaign level, and you can create them by pulling from a Google places account or by creating a new listing:
View Location Extensions
Syncing your Google Places account is easy enough as you’ll be pulling already entered information about your business, and even starting from scratch with a location extension is a fairly painless process:
Manually Enter Addresses
Once you’ve set up your location extensions, you’ll start to see data around specific extensions:
Location Extension Reporting
Getting too fancy with your company name or address can get you into trouble, but the one area you do have some flexibility is with the map icon and business image. Choose something clickable and consistent with your branding and landing page experiences (just like with any ad element) and you can have a better-performing location extension. The reporting here is nice because you can test different favicons and business images, if you have enough local volume in a given campaign to justify it.

When Should I Use Google AdWords Location Extensions?

Location extensions are useful in a variety of different types of campaigns – if there’s a chance your ads may show in local queries, it’s likely worth the very short amount of time it takes to set up location extensions.
That said people frequently have questions about how location extensions apply to different types of campaigns, such as:

AdWords Location Extensions & Mobile Campaigns

The AdWords click-to-call functionality means that on mobile display ads you can frequently have your number displayed in a “clickable” format so a searcher can quickly connect with your company. This point of differentiation between mobile campaigns and campaigns targeted at desktops and laptops is a good example of the need for businesses getting a lot of mobile traffic via AdWords to split out mobile traffic to lower CPCs and CPAs.

AdWords Location Extensions & Content Network Campaigns

There are instances where content network ads will show location extension information, so it’s worth monitoring this data as well.

AdWords Location Extensions & Campaigns for Multiple Addresses

So what if you have a chain or cluster of stores you’re promoting? This is where some of the location targeting functionality gets pretty interesting: in these instances you want to start to map your campaign strategy to how you can use location extensions (again – this is assuming you are drawing a sufficient amount of local traffic to justify this type of restructuring – you need to prioritize how you construct campaigns based on the levers that will have the biggest impact on your ROI, be they geographic, temporal, budget-related, etc.)
You can include up to four locations per campaign, so if you’re including four different locations you want to make sure each location matches all of the keyword targeting set up in that campaign.
For instance if you have a campaign aimed at four different locations in reasonably close proximity of one another, make sure that all of the offers, specials, and products you’re including in your ad copy and keyword lists apply to all four, because Google will return what they deem to be the most relevant location for a given search. You should also consider how interchangeable these stores and locations and their messaging is – again if the volume and return for your work makes sense, there may be instances where you would be better off breaking out different locations into their own campaigns with keywords and ad text that better fit that location and product set (i.e., maybe your chain restaurant is actually a little pricey in a low-income area but is actually considered very affordable for a higher end neighborhood – even if they’re located nearby geographically, you might be well-served to create separate messaging for each area, depending on how much additional effort this would be to your business and how much extra return you can expect).
While in some instances enabling location extensions across a large and complicated campaign can require some strategy and leg work, in most instances if a campaign receives a significant amount of local search volume enabling the feature is well worth it.
How to add Location Extension to your AdWords Campaign
  • Click on a campaign you wish to add location extension to.
AdWords Location Extensions - Ad extensions tab
  • Click on the ad extension tab (see above), it is not on by default, so you will need to click on the drop down arrow and enable the tab yourself.
AdWords Location Extensions - Ad extensions page
  • Select “Addresses from Google Places” or “Manually Entered Addresses” and click on “New extension” once expanded (see above).
    Addresses from Google Places – This is to link your existing Google places account to your campaign (they must be verified addresses), you can add up to 100 addresses per account through manual verification, and up to 1,000,000 addresses for verified bulk uploads.
    Manually Entered Addresses – If you do not have a Google places account (highly recommended you create one), you can manually enter up to 100,000 addresses.
  • Click Save once you are done.
Check back next week for the second part “Site Link Extensions”, and please feel free to leave any comments or questions below!

Google AdWords Ad Sitelinks

In order to take full advantage of AdWords, it is highly recommended you utilise all Text Ad Extensions you can. Today I will be introducing the most valuable extension in my opinion – Ad Sitelinks Extension.
Ad Sitelinks lets you include additional links to other section of your website. As they can be updated as often as you like, they are best used for time limited and seasonal offers.
Just like location extensions, Ad Sitelinks will give your ads anywhere between one to three lines of extra Google SERP real estate. Which any good PPCer will tell you – is too good to pass up!
One-line / Multi-line and how to qualify for Ad Sitelinks
Multi-line Ad Sitelinks comes in forms of two or three lines – Google will display up to four links over two lines, or six links over three lines. These will generally only appear when your ad provides the ideal answer to a search query, which may be determined through Quality Score, CTR and Ad position (above image, only number one of the top three has luxury of multi-line Sitelinks). Brand term searches will trigger Sitelinks more often, make sure you have it enabled for your brand name campaign.
One-line Sitelinks will display up to four links in one line – This may trigger more often than multi-line Sitelinks, make sure your ad has a good Quality Score, CTR, and your links should trigger when you are in the top three.
Google recommends the following best practice to increase your chance of showing Sitelinks:
  • Your ad should have one of the top positions above the search results.
  • Your ad should have a very high Quality Score.
  • Your Sitelinks URLs must direct users to pages that are part of your main website.
Which links will be shown?
You can add up to ten links for Ad Sitelinks Extension. Google will try to rotate the links as only maximum of six can be shown at once. They will be prioritised based on the order you enter them and how well they perform, so make sure you enter the most important links first.
Google will generally put shorter texts into a one-line Sitelink, and longer texts into multi-line Sitelinks. You should optimise your text length for the type of Sitelinks you are going after – bear in mind multi-line Sitelinks will trigger less often.
How to implement Ad Sitelinks
Google AdWords Ad Extensions – Part 2 of 3 – Ad Sitelinks

  • Once logged into AdWords, click on the campaign you wish to add Ad Sitelinks to, click on the “Ad extensions” tab – If you cannot see the ad extensions tab, click on the arrow to the far right and enable the tab in the drop down.
Google AdWords Ad Extensions – Part 2 of 3 – Ad Sitelinks
  • Once you are in the Ad extensions tab, select “View: Sitelinks Extensions” from the dropdown menu just below Campaigns tab.
Google AdWords Ad Extensions – Part 2 of 3 – Ad Sitelinks
  • To add Sitelinks, simply click on “New Extensions” to add anything up to 10 links to this campaign.
Google AdWords Ad Extensions – Part 2 of 3 – Ad Sitelinks
  • To edit a set of Sitelinks, place your cursor over the extension and click when the pencil icon appears. This is also where you can see your stats of how your Sitelinks are performing.

Google AdWords Product Extensions

Product Extensions may show certain products from your Google Merchant Center when a search query is relevant to one of your products, Google may show images, titles, and prices of the products. Product Extensions are generally shown in two ways on Google SERPs:
In the top three results, you will gain up to three extra lines populated by your products that are most relevant to the search query. As I’ve mentioned before – these precious extra lines in Google SERPs are absolutely invaluable, particularly the added visibility improvement of your ad.
When not in the top three, you can still get the benefit of Product Extensions, but it will show as a “plus box” link. This can be extended out by the searcher to show pictures, titles, and prices. Again, standing out in the crowd is the key, and this certainly gives you an extra boost.
Google Merchant Centre
In order to benefit from product extensions you will need to setup Google Merchant Centre. Every e-commerce website should have this setup, even if you are not planning using product extensions – Merchant Centre lets you upload a list of your products for exposure on Google Shopping.
I may write another post on merchant centre, but for now, here is the specification for a data feed of your products you will need to upload in Google Merchant Centre: It simply gives you a list of fields you will need to fill out, and the accepted data feed file formats.
Setting up Product Extensions in AdWords
  • Login to Google AdWords and navigate to “all online campaigns” page, click on the ad extensions tab, if it’s not there by default you will need enable the tab from the drop down arrow.
  • Select “Product Extensions” from the drop down menu “View: Location Extensions”.
  • Click on “new extension”.
  • Select the campaigns you wish to add Product Extensions. Notice the text “extend my ads with relevant product details from Google Merchant Center”. You will need to select your Google Merchant Centre account(s) here. If you do not have one you will see the text “You don’t have access to any Google Merchant Centre accounts.” Click “Save” and you are done.
This post concludes my three part series on AdWords Ad Extensions and I hope it has been helpful to you. There are of course a couple of extra extensions, which I may cover in due course but for now that’s my quick overview of the features. If you have any comments or questions please feel free to leave them below.

Google AdWords Call Extensions

Call Extension is an AdWords ad extension that enables you to add your business’ phone number to the bottom of your ad copy. At the moment call extension only works on high-end mobile devices such as Apple iPhones or Android smart phones.
The whole Call Extensions feature revolves around the “click-to-call” feature. This means searchers who see your ads on Google can simply click on the phone number to call you directly, instead of remembering the number and dialling manually. This not only gives your ad more visibility, authority, but most importantly, makes it easier for potential customers to contact you.
Two ways of implementing click-to-call feature
The click to call feature can be implemented in two different ways. You can use Location Extensions to add your phone number, it will display as a click-to-call link when the Location Extension is triggered, i.e. if they are currently close to your business location or is searching with a location keyword (e.g. solicitors in London). The Other way of enabling click-to-call, regardless of the searcher’s location, is to add your phone number in call extensions. I will be going through both methods below.
One advantage of having two different methods is Location Extension and Call Extension can work together, enabling you to show a unique number to searchers around your business with Location Extension, and another number for all other searchers with Call Extension.
Setting up Click-to-call with Location Extensions – searchers around your business
  • Setup Location Extensions with your campaign (See my other post on “AdWords Ad Extensions – Location Extensions” for a detailed step by step guide).
  • Select the campaign to wish to add click-to-call, make sure you include your phone number when entering your location information.
  • Go to settings tab of the same campaign and opt-in to show your ad on mobile devices – it is highly advised you create a separate campaign for mobile advertising only.
Setting up click-to-call with Call Extensions – searchers in any location
  • Login to your AdWords account, click on the “Ad Extensions” tab, if it is not visible you will need to enable it in the drop menu.
  • Select “View: Call Extensions” from the menu below the main tabs and click on the “New Extension” button.
  • Select the campaign you wish to add Call Extension to, select your Country and enter your business’ phone number. “Call-only” format means only your phone number will be clickable, stopping people from clicking through to your website.
  • Again, it is highly recommended you create a separate campaign for mobiles only – click-to-call only works on mobile devices. To do this, go to the settings tab of a campaign and change devices to “mobile devices with full browsers”.

Source : WordStream
That’s it, this is really is the very last post in this unique four part trilogy! As always, please feel free to comment below with any questions. Check out other posts of Google AdWords ad extensions series below:

October 4, 2011

SEO Tools (140 SEO Tools)

This SEO Tools page has links to the best SEO Tools on the internet and these tools will help you to optimize your website and move your search engine position higher.
You can now submit your Internet based SEO Tools to this list at the SEO Tool Submission Page. There is a refundable review fee of $5. Only quality SEO Tools will be added to the list.
There is now a RSS feed for the SEO tools page and a XML to XHTML conversation page with a supporting CSS file which formats the RSS feed so it can be displayed formated. I am offering a feed of the tools with the awards so that means not just 20 links but 100's of inbound links for the award winners.
Here is the RSS feed  and you can down load a Tools-RSS-HowTo.txt, test-file.php, test-file2.php, seo-tools.css, and seo-tools-xml2xhtml.php here I require the awards be posted with the tools and I have a simple copyright notice with two links in it that will need to posted at the top of the page where the SEO tool list is displayed. Here is a demo page of what the whole feed looks like. Also here is what the feed looks like with the New SEO Tools category turned off and only the Alexa tools being displayed.
This tool list is copyrighted © 2003-2006 by SEO Company.
View my Free SEO Tools page which has my own set of tools.
Check out my Web Directory Submission Services.
Tool of the Month, Year & Most Improved Awards Go To... Domain Age Tool Best January Tool
SEO Tools

New SEO Tools (8) Back to the top

Graphic display of top 50 in Google & Yahoo linked.New
Enter URL, determines density of 1, 2, and 3 word phrases.New
Tool transforms lists of up to 10,000 keywords into an organized keyword structure.New
Online keyword suggestion, aggregating over 1 billion unique keywords and hundreds of millions of related terms from diverse sources.New
Check PR values across all Google datacenters.New
Online tool that returns structured keyword suggestions rather than a disorganized list.New
Google datacenter SERP checker.New
WordStreams suite of free keyword tools is the easiest way to improve the quality of your keyword research.New

Alexa Tools (4) Back to the top

Cut & Paste or browse file for domain list - Displays Alexa Ranking. Good for checking large number of domains.
3 month, 1 week, today Alexa Rank.
Cut & Paste or browse file for domain list - Displays Alexa Ranking. Good for checking large number of domains.
Input up to ten domains - get 1 week, 3 month average & 3 month up/down Alexa Ranking.
Shows anchor text for your sites backlinks.Best October Tool

Code Validation (2) Back to the top

RSS feeds validator
Official W3C compliance validator

Combined Keyword Suggestion Tools (1) Back to the top

Combine words script for PPC systems.

Combo Search Engine Ranking Tools (4) Back to the top

Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 30 for 11 Search Engines.
Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 50 for 9 Search Engines.
Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 100 for 5 Search Engines.
Input key phrase list & get Google & Yahoo Rankings.Best April Tool

Compare Search Engine Ranking Tools (8) Back to the top

Shows top results from 3 search engine.Best August Tool
Graphic display of top 50 in Google & Yahoo linked.New
Combines search results from Google, Yahoo! & Ask Jeeves.
Meta search engine that combines Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask Jeeves.
Google, Yahoo, MSN results in one search
Based off the Langreiter tool but lets you compare 6 different Search Engine Results with each other.
Langreiter - Graphic Compare of Google & Yahoo top 100 results.
Shows top 100 Yahoo/Google results together.

Domain Tools (17) Back to the top

Checks if you're linking to bad neighborhoods
Check what you Website looks like in different
Shows your links for differnet Class-C site.
Class C IP range checker.
Unique Class C IP Checker - Cut & Paste or load up a file.
Checks your domain and does email test.
Determines the age of the domains entered.Best January Tool
IP to host, host to ip, traceroute, whois zone file. Hot Tool!
Enter domain and getdomain age, number of pages indexed, and number of backlinks.
Server monitor and alert service
Shows HTTP headers the web server is sending.
Allow you to inspect the HTTP headers that the web server returns when requesting a URL.
Bulk class C IP address checker.
Checks if the partners still link back
Checks for redirects on a domain
Enter URL - Check your redirect to see if it is SE friendly
Shows the IP of your computer or routers.
Tests all links site wide and reports any broken links.
Track your one-way links - Shows status and PR.
Enter links - Reports back which ones are up, down or unreachable.
Lists internal and external links for input URL.

Google Ranking Tools (6) Back to the top

Enter domain/keyword and do different Google searches like site etc.
Shows the differnet Ranking results for different datacenters.
Google displays each results as one-liners with anchor text the title.
Shows Google rank position, PR, number of entries indexed, DMOZ and Google Dir status.
Enter URL/Keyword - Searches the first 1000 entries.
Google datacenter SERP checker.New

Google Sitemap Tools (1) Back to the top

A free online Google XML Sitemaps GeneratorBest September Tool

Internet Bookmarking (2) Back to the top

Social bookmarking
Social bookmarking

Keyword Suggestion Tools (14) Back to the top

Displays keyword data using Wordtracker and Google search results.
Reads meta keywords and hotlinks them to 3 keyword mining tools.
Keyword tool from Google that provides Specific and Similar keywords.
Queries Google for related relevant and popular terms.
Google keyword completions when searching.
Keyword searches from Espotting Media's (UK) PPC database.
Search Overture & WordTrackers database - Mines these terms with dictionary, thesaurus etc.Most Improved Tool
Tool returns similar keywords found in the meta keywords of sites searched by your choice of 9 search engines.
Keyword searches from Overture and Wordtracker (Wordtracker displays singular/plural & correct order).
Online keyword suggestion, aggregating over 1 billion unique keywords and hundreds of millions of related terms from diverse sources.New
Online tool that returns structured keyword suggestions rather than a disorganized list.New
Searches Overture data for 16 countries and more.
Shows keywords and frequency searched on Overture (Yahoo/MSN) last month.
Provides keyword suggestions along and keyword traffic estimates for the entered website.

Keyword Tools (8) Back to the top

Compares the popularity of two words - Good for checking Plural/Singlar.
Enter URL - Generators keyword phrases from your webpage and displays density.
Enter URL - Displays 1, 2, and 3 word combinations.
Enter URL/Keywork - Displays density each different page component.
Enter URL, determines density of 1, 2, and 3 word phrases.New
Tool transforms lists of up to 10,000 keywords into an organized keyword structure.New
Enter URL - Webpage stats PR/Links/W3C/etc.
Provides synonymous terms to keywords - Use these in your webpage text.
Blacklink analyzer that shows URL and anchor text.Best December Tool
Enter URL - Rates for link appeal.
Shows links/pages for Google/Yahoo/MSN/Ask/Alexa
Lists inbound links from 7 search engines & provides history.Best June Tool
Shows inbound links for Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Allintheweb & Hotbot.
Enter URL - Displays backlinks on 5 Search Engines.
Statistics regarding a site popularity
Shows IBLs,, DMOZ, EDU, & GOV links.Best February Tool
Checks Links on 5 Search Engines, PR, Alexa Ranking, DMOZ.
Off-page (popularity) stats

Misc Tools (8) Back to the top

Input URL shows AdSense Ads for that web page.
Allows you to check the Yahoo WebRank of up to 5 URLs at a time.
See if your domain appears in 10 Internet Directory's.
Enter URL - Shows number of pages for 5 Search Engines.
WordStreams suite of free keyword tools is the easiest way to improve the quality of your keyword research.New
Checks for cached pages and provides cache date.
Creates Mod-Rewrite rules to convert dynamic URLs to static looking URLs.
Full page popularity stats

MSN Ranking Tools (2) Back to the top

MSN Search for up to 15 keywords on one domain.
MSN Beta Rankings - Search Engine Rankings.

Page Rank Tools (3) Back to the top

Checks datacenters for BL, PR and Ranking.
View PR during updates on 18 data-centers one screen one search.
Shows PR on the differnet Google datacenters.

Pay Per Click Tools (2) Back to the top

CPM and CPC return on investment calculators.
Overture bid amounts for keywords
Input webpage - Returns number of inbound links for each PR position.
Input keyword - Shows PR and Backlinks.
Looks at your URL and predicts PR
Cut & Paste - Shows PR for unlimited sites.
Check PR values across all Google datacenters.Best March Tool
Construct the relationship of your website pages & calculate PR.
Google search results with PR bar and inbound links.
Mark Horrell's Pagerank Calculator
Cut & Paste - Shows PR of up to 100 URLs.
Displays Google by pagerank - IMPROVED Prog Tool.

Robots.txt Tools (2) Back to the top

Creates simple robots.txt file.
Checks your robots.txt file for errors.

RSS Tools (0) Back to the top

Search Engine Position Tools (5) Back to the top

G/Y/M/A ranking, pages, backlinks, allinanchor, & domain age.
Enter URL/Keyword - Displays PR/Backlinks/Pages for top 10.Tool Of The Year
Shows pages, BL, PR, unique domains etc.
Shows pages, BL, PR, Allinanchor, keyword density, etc.
Tracks Ranking movement on Google for 1000 keywords.
Rates difficulty of ranking on Google for key phrase.
Show value of text link ad.
Calculates link value per month rental.

Toolbars (7) Back to the top

Download File - Toolbar displays PageRank has Google Search.
Download File - Toolbar displays PageRank has Google Search.
Download Files - DL the Mozdev Googlebar and add the PR bar for both Mozilla and Firefox.
Download File - PR Toolbar Widget for Macintosh.
Download File - Toolbar for Beta MSN Search.
Download file - Toolbar for Yahoo Search.
Download file - Toolbar for Yahoo Search.

Track Ranking Tools (1) Back to the top

Graph view of Google rankings for keywords.Best November Tool

Web Site Optimization Tools (13) Back to the top

Sophisticated meta tag generator.
Shows information lots of information for your site.
Enter URLs - Calculates Code to Text Ratio.
Searches for copies of your page on the Web.
Shows if you are in the Google index.
Enter meta info - Creates meta tag code.
Creates meta tags for 9 tags.
Use in Diagnostics View to see order of spidered text.
Enter URL - Displays page content minus code.
Spiders your page and shows what the spider sees.
Enter URLs - Compares pages for similar content.
Checks over your web page for things to numerous to note.
Enter URL/Keyword - Checks copy for optimization.

Yahoo Ranking Tools (2) Back to the top

Shows Yahoo rank position, numbmer of entries indexed.
Enter URL/Keyword - Searches the first 1000 entries.


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