January 5, 2011

Pagerank - avoid being penalized

Pagerank, avoid being penalized | Web Design - Online Marketing - Hosting | Global Multimedia:

"A concept that arouses controversy and whose definition does not seem to be unanimity, but despite this, the PageRank is still the number that defines the importance of the website. Este número se determina a través de los enlaces que apuntan al sitio Web y es aquí donde comienza la controversia y el riesgo, ya que si existe un tema específico sobre el que se centran las amonestaciones del buscador, es a través de los enlaces. This number is determined by the links pointing to the website and this is where the controversy begins and risk, because if there is a specific topic on which to focus the warnings of the form, is through links.
Si quiere establecer una buena política de enlaces debe tener presente algunos consejos para evitar penalizaciones: To build good links policy should keep in mind some tips to avoid penalty:"


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