May 21, 2013

Match Types of Negative Keyword

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****Note : I am just sharing this Great Post Written By Alexandra Hermida, Source : The visitor of this blog can directly view the original post by clicking on the source link given above***** 

Exact Match Negative Keywords

Use negative keywords in exact match when you want to filter a term that by itself drives irrelevant searches, but combined with other words could actually get you quality leads.


Let’s say you offer catering services, particularly Wedding Catering services. You do not offer anything else related to Weddings whatsoever, however. If you include Wedding as a negative keyword in broad match, you will be blocking the search Wedding Catering. So in this case, using exact would be the best choice.
In this scenario for example, I would include the following negative keywords:
  • [Wedding]
  • [Wedding Dresses]
  • [Wedding Invitations]
  • [Wedding Vows]
  • [Wedding Planner]
And so on – you get it. By using such terms in exact match, you will avoid searches for services not related to “Catering”, and yet your ads will still show for anyone searching for “Wedding Catering”.
Also, it is good practice to make use of exact match when you offer products/services that feature famous characters or brands.

Another example:

You rent inflatables water slides for children. In stock, you have a Little Mermaid Water-Slide. Since you don’t want to attract people looking for videos or other products about the Little Mermaid, you can include [Little Mermaid] as a negative keywords in exact match. And you can do the same for all other characters of your themed-inflatables.
Tip: Remember to add the negative search term both in singular, plural and with common misspellings. Why? Because negative keywords only block search queries with that exact term (as opposed to regular keywords).

Phrase Match Negative Keywords

Use phrase match negative keywords ideally when going through your search terms to filter out specific keyword sequences.


You offer industrial pressure washing services, but you do not sell pressure washers. So you may want to use “pressure washing equipment” or “pressure wash machine” as negative keywords in phrase match to avoid searches for the equipment itself.

Another Example:

You own a nice vacation spa and offer gift certificates for vacation packages. Your vacation packages are luxurious and you don’t have success with keywords relating to “cheap”. If you added the negative keywords “cheap vacation package” or “cheap spa gift certificate”, you would only be blocking out those 2 specific search queries. But of course there are hundreds of phrases a searcher could use to find “cheap gift certificates” such as “spa special cheap”, etc.
So, in this case, it would be smarter to add words like “cheap, blow-out or inexpensive” in broad match to your keyword list.

Phrase Match Grabs the Contextual Meaning

Negative keywords in phrase match are best utilized when the order of a certain keywords change their meaning. The telecommunications industry contains a great example of how to use negative keywords in phrase match:
internet company vs. company internet
The search “Internet company” can both drive the intent of looking for a broadband service company but it can most definitely also mean that the searcher is looking for internet companies like DropBox, Google, Wildfire and Ebay.
By excluding “internet company” in that exact word order, you will still be able to keep your BMM keyword: +company +internet, without risking clicks from irrelevant searches.

Broad Match Negative Keywords

Broad match negative keywords should be used for negative queries you would not want triggering any of your ads. Using only broad match for all of your negative keywords is a big no-no, but there are exceptions.


The word “Free” as a broad negative term can be added at campaign level and will keep freeloaders from clicking on your ads.
If you were to add the word “Free” in exact or phrase match, you would still get searches that include the word “free” and worst yet, people looking for your services for free! Say you offer a complex software for routing & billing. The query “free routing software” will then cause your ads to show, which you’re obviously trying to avoid.
So in a nutshell, there are 3 match types you can and should use, for your negative keywords. Always keep in mind who you want to attract to your site, and analyze what kind of traffic you will be blocking when adding negative terms.

One last note:

Be sure to review your negative keywords list periodically. It’s recommended to review your list at least once a month. Once activated, I would even recommend conducting weekly research based on your search query reports.

By Alexandra Hermida
Source :


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