April 21, 2011

Clever trick to make YouTube videos fill up the browser

If you're teaching with YouTube videos, you know the problem.  The student clicks on a YT link and see LOTS of stuff on the right-hand side or in the comments below the video.  

While those contents are important if you're browsing video, in a classroom setting, it's often distracting and takes students off-task.  The normal landing-page to a YouTube video looks like this: 

Great to browse, but a bit distracting when you're trying to learn something.  

So... how can you force the video to fill the browser and NOT show all the distracting 

If  the original YouTube video is located at ..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNHR6IQJGZs  (This is the Matt Cutts video on “How search works”)

You can modify the URL to include the modified argument “watch_popup”  (as below)

And the YT video will fill the browser.   Nice technique to use when creating links on educational materials to YouTube videos!   

Always searching for ways to improve your (and your students') productivity!

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Source - SearchReSearch: Clever trick to make YouTube videos fill up the browser


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