July 26, 2011

Microsoft Word Hints - Symbols Not on the Keyboard

Microsoft Word Hints - Symbols Not on the Keyboard

If you ever want to create a character in a word document there are a couple of ways you can do that.  In some MS Word programs if you type dash –, colon, left parenses)  it will automatically “correct”  to make a  simple smiley face
  • (r)  = ®
  • (c) = ©
  • 1/2  will automatically create ½
  • 1/4  will automatically create ¼ 
Here is a miscellaneous list of other basic characters and symbols:Type the number while holding down the Alt key.
  • Alt + 0153..... ™... trademark symbol
  • Alt +  0169.... ©.... copyright symbol
  • Alt + 0174..... ®... .registered trademark symbol
  • Alt + 0176 ...°....... .degree symbol
  • Alt + 0177 ...± ... .plus-or-minus sign
  • Alt + 0182 ...¶....... paragraph mark
  • Alt + 0190 ...¾...... fraction, three-fourths
  • Alt + 0215 .... ×..... multiplication sign
  • Alt + 0162... ¢...... the cent sign
  • Alt + 0161..... ¡...... upside down exclamation point
  • Alt + 0191..... ¿..... upside down question mark
  • Alt + 1.......... ☺... smiley  fsce
  • Alt + 2 ......... ☻... black smiley face
  • Alt + 15........ ☼... sun
  • Alt + 12........ ♀.... female sign
  • Alt +  11....... ♂.... male sign
  • Alt +  6......... ♠..... spade sign
  • Alt + 5.......... ♣.... Club symbol
  • Alt + 3.......... ♥.... Heart
  • Alt + 4.......... ♦..... Diamond
  • Alt + 13........ ♪..... eighth note
  • Alt + 14........ ♫.... beamed eighth note
  • Alt +  8721.... ∑.... N-ary summation (auto sum)
  • Alt + 251...... √..... square root check mark 
  • Alt + 8236..... ∞.... infinity
  • Alt + 24........ ↑..... up arrow
  • Alt + 25........ ↓..... down arrow
  • Alt + 26........ →... right pointing arrow
  • Alt + 27........ ←... left arrow
  • Alt + 18........ ↕..... up/down arrow
  • Alt + 29........ ↔... left right arrow        
  • Alt + 0167 ...§...... .section symbol
  • Alt + 0163 ...£...... .the British pound
  • Alt + 0128 ...€....... .the euro of the European Union
  • Alt + 0165…¥....... the Japanese yen
  • Alt + 0156... œ...... lowercase œ diphthong (ligature)
  • Alt + 0224 ...à....... .lowercase a with grave accent
  • Alt + 0225.. ...á..... .lowercase a with acute accent
  • Alt + 0226.. ...â..... .lowercase a with circumflex
  • Alt + 0227... ã....... lowercase a with tilde
  • Alt + 0228... ä....... lowercase a with umlaut
  • Alt + 0229... å....... lowercase ae diphthong (ligature)
  • Alt + 0231... ç....... lowercase c with cedilla
  • Alt + 0232 ...è....... lowercase e with grave accent
  • Alt + 0233.. ...é..... .lowercase e with acute accent
  • Alt + 0234 ...ê....... .lowercase e with circumflex
  • Alt + 0235 ...ë....... .lowercase e with umlaut
  • ]Alt + 0236 ...ì........ lowercase i with grave accent
  • Alt + 0237 ...í........ lowercase i with acute accent
  • Alt + 0238 ...î........ lowercase i with circumflex
  • Alt + 0239..... ï...... lowercase i with umlaut
  • Alt + 0241..... ñ ... .lowercase n with tilde
  • Alt + 0242..... ò.... lowercase o with grave accent
  • Alt + 0243.. ...ó..... .lowercase o with acute accent
  • Alt + 0244 ...ô....... .lowercase o with circumflex
  • Alt + 0245.. ...õ..... .lowercase o with tilde
  • Alt + 0246 ...ö....... .lowercase 0 with umlaut
  • Alt + 0249 ...ù. ...... lowercase u with grave accent
  • Alt + 0250 ...ú ... .lowercase u with acute accent
  • Alt + 0252….ü…..lowercase u with circum flex
  • Alt +  0253…ý…..lowercase u with umlaut  
Source : JoyceBetz's blog


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