Frameset technology is almost as old as HTML itself. It is present in very ancient HTML specifications. Framesets let you show several HTML pages within one browser window, allowing for each frame to have its own scrolling. Frameset pages are designed to split the browser window into several logical sections. This can cause problems for SEO because spiders cannot index further than the frameset page, and principally because the search engines will show your pages among their results instead of directing the visitor to the frameset.
There are many ways where you can optimize framesets, one of them is, Optimizing frameset pages by focusing your attention on the TITLE and META tags, and be sure to make use of the “<noframes>” tag, where you may include your properly optimized content in the usual way in plain HTML. Make sure to include text link navigation into each of your pages, keeping in mind both visitor convenience and spider compatibility.
Therefore, when a searcher follows the link they will arrive at your site on the specific page, but without the top header or left navigation menu in the browser. All they can do is read it and go back to the search engine and visit a competitor.
2. Use the “” tag. Its purpose is to give older browsers, which are incapable of displaying frames, an alternative method of displaying the page. It also <span class=”hiddenSuggestion” pre=”also “>contains</span> the text that search engine spiders will read when they meet a frameset tag. The usage of “<noframes>” helps you kill two birds with one stone: the browsers without framing support will have something to show to the visitors, and the search engines will be fed your real content. Therefore, it is advisable to include the entire real content into this “<noframes>” tag.
This content will not display in browsers that support frames (at least 99% of all browsers in use today).
Here’s how to use the “” tag within the <span class=”hiddenSpellError” pre=”the “>frameset</span> page:
3. To work-around a search engine accessing and indexing the pages that compose a frameset and linking to them from their result pages instead of linking to the composite frameset, it’s recommended that you include a text navigation bar at the bottom of every page like this:
However, each time they request different content pages they will see the same frameset with the same content page (the one which is loaded by default). As such, this isn’t a good solution to consider if we stick to the idea of building link popularity separately for all our content pages.
The advanced version of this solution will involve two different scripts, one for the individual (content) pages, and one for the frameset (container) page.
This is the code to place within the “” section of each individual page:
So, add an “onLoad” event handler to the frameset tag so that it looks like this:
If you don’t understand too well how this technique works, you may want to consult your Web designer or another expert. We highly recommend implementing it because it allows you to
reference (and link to) each of your pages from anywhere else, including directories, link partner sites and SERP – and your visitors, after the link, will still see the complete frameset with the necessary page loaded into the proper frame.
4. As always, link popularity is essential for your rankings. With the scripting workaround above, you are safe to link to separate individual pages of your site because now you know they will be properly framed. So follow the general rules of building the link popularity discussed in our previous lesson.
Please let me know your comments on this article in the comments section below.
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There are many ways where you can optimize framesets, one of them is, Optimizing frameset pages by focusing your attention on the TITLE and META tags, and be sure to make use of the “<noframes>” tag, where you may include your properly optimized content in the usual way in plain HTML. Make sure to include text link navigation into each of your pages, keeping in mind both visitor convenience and spider compatibility.
Tips to Optimize Frameset Pages:
Here’s the HTML code for the frameset. This is exactly what is seen by the spider:<frameset rows=”80,*” cols=”*” frameborder=”NO” border=”0″ framespacing=”0″>Search engines list pages individually in the SERP (result pages). When a frameset is composed of several pages which seem as a single page when assembled, each of these pages will be placed in the search engine index separately. So the links to each of them will be provided separately on the result page. When a visitor finds such a page through a search engine and clicks on the link, he or she will see a separate content page “content.htm” in their browser – without the navigation or header.
src=” header.htm ” name=”topFrame” scrolling=”NO” noresize />
<frameset cols=”80,*” frameborder=”NO” border=”0″ framespacing=”0″>
src=” navigation.htm ” name=”leftFrame” scrolling=”NO” noresize />
src=” content.htm ” name=”mainFrame” />
Therefore, when a searcher follows the link they will arrive at your site on the specific page, but without the top header or left navigation menu in the browser. All they can do is read it and go back to the search engine and visit a competitor.
SEO Solution:
1. When dealing with framesets, find the container page which describes the frameset itself and all the pages that are loaded into separate frames. Compile a keyword profile for each of them with the help of Keyword Research Tool. Then, create and optimize the TITLE tag and the META keywords and description tags on each page according to the keywords you’ve assigned to this particular page.2. Use the “” tag. Its purpose is to give older browsers, which are incapable of displaying frames, an alternative method of displaying the page. It also <span class=”hiddenSuggestion” pre=”also “>contains</span> the text that search engine spiders will read when they meet a frameset tag. The usage of “<noframes>” helps you kill two birds with one stone: the browsers without framing support will have something to show to the visitors, and the search engines will be fed your real content. Therefore, it is advisable to include the entire real content into this “<noframes>” tag.
This content will not display in browsers that support frames (at least 99% of all browsers in use today).
Here’s how to use the “” tag within the <span class=”hiddenSpellError” pre=”the “>frameset</span> page:
<frameset rows=”80,*” cols=”*” frameborder=”NO” border=”0″ framespacing=”0″>Remembering the spiders, which are the primary target of this tag, include here text links to all the Web pages you link to from the home page that are shown to visitors. You can freely use HTML markup here, but remember that 1% or less of visitors will ever see what’s inside the “” tag. So the less code used here, the higher the content-to-code ratio, which is better for ranking.
Inetpub/wwwroot/testing/UntitledFrame-2″ name=”topFrame” scrolling=”NO”noresize>
<frameset cols=”80,*” frameborder=”NO” border=”0″ framespacing=”0″>
Inetpub/wwwroot/testing/UntitledFrame-3″ name=”leftFrame” scrolling=”NO” noresize>
Inetpub/wwwroot/testing/test_013.htm” name=”mainFrame”>
Your keyword-rich content here.
3. To work-around a search engine accessing and indexing the pages that compose a frameset and linking to them from their result pages instead of linking to the composite frameset, it’s recommended that you include a text navigation bar at the bottom of every page like this:
[Home] [Page1] [Page 2] [Page 3]Thus, even when the visitor sees an individual page they’ve found on the search engine, they are able to navigate away to your home page, i.e. to the frameset. With the help of the “target” attribute you can dictate into which frame the page you link to will be loaded when the user clicks on the link:
<a href=”page2.htm” target=”mainFrame”>There’s also an advanced solution which will let visitors see the frameset page even if they are directed to an individual page by the search engine. This involves putting a redirection JavaScript code inside all of your pages that are meant to be loaded into frames:
<script type=”text/javascript”>Put this script within the “” section of each individual document. Spiders can’t execute JavaScript so there is no worry that this may confuse them. Now, even if the search engine brings a visitor to the individual page instead of the frameset, they will be properly redirected.
// –>
However, each time they request different content pages they will see the same frameset with the same content page (the one which is loaded by default). As such, this isn’t a good solution to consider if we stick to the idea of building link popularity separately for all our content pages.
The advanced version of this solution will involve two different scripts, one for the individual (content) pages, and one for the frameset (container) page.
This is the code to place within the “” section of each individual page:
<script>If a visitor requests this single page, it now redirects them to
var frameset = “frameset.htm”;
// name of your main frameset
var frame = “leftNav”;
// name of the frame in that frameset to load
// the document into
var thisfilename = “thisfile.htm”;
// name of this html file where the script is placed
if( top.frames.length==0 ){
var wheretogo = frameset + “?” + thisfilename + “&” + frame;
frameset.htm?thisfile.htm&leftNavwhich will tell the frameset to load “thisfile.htm” into the frame called “leftNav”. In order for this to happen, here’s the code we need to put into the “” section of the frameset container page itself:
<script>Finally, you need to run this function every time the frameset loads to find out whether is has been requested as a result of the earlier ask for a single individual page; if so, we load that individual page into the frame with the help of the “loadIndPage” function we’ve placed in the head section.
function loadIndPage(){
var a =‘&’);
// to find out the page to load and
//the frame to load into
var page = a[0].substr(1);
// now ‘page’ contains ” thisfile.htm ”
var frame = a[1];
// now ‘frame’ contains ” leftNav ”
if(page && frame){
var s = “top.” + frame + “.location.replace(‘” + page + “‘)”;
So, add an “onLoad” event handler to the frameset tag so that it looks like this:
onLoad=” loadIndPage ()”>With this event described, your frameset will run the ” loadIndPage” function each time it loads, and that function will do the rest of the job.
If you don’t understand too well how this technique works, you may want to consult your Web designer or another expert. We highly recommend implementing it because it allows you to
4. As always, link popularity is essential for your rankings. With the scripting workaround above, you are safe to link to separate individual pages of your site because now you know they will be properly framed. So follow the general rules of building the link popularity discussed in our previous lesson.
Please let me know your comments on this article in the comments section below.
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