February 15, 2011

Favorite Mobile Tools

Below are some of my own favorite mobile tools:
1. Google Keyword Tool
One of the most important things to consider when building a mobile campaign is that mobile searches are very different than desktop searches.  Long-tailed terms for example, often perform worse in mobile campaigns, because mobile searchers are often entering shorter and broader queries on-the-go.  For that and numerous other reasons, my first tool recommendation is the Google Keyword Tool.  Simply enter in your terms, and update the Advanced options to just mobile, and you’ll have a better idea of mobile keyword search estimates.

2. Google Mobile Ad Preview Tool
After you’ve built out a set of keywords and ad copy, you may want to see how it’s appearing on Google’s Search Engine Results Page.   Depending on the type of mobile device, there are two options:
Updated Ad Preview Tool- Within devices, you can now select specific mobile devices with full internet browsers (Iphone/Ipod, Android, Ipad, Palm webOS) and their respective carriers.

Google also has a tool, that works for mobile devices without full internet browsers.  You can check it out here:

3.  MobiReady
Next up, is making sure your landing page is mobile friendly. If you are not sure if your page is- I recommend checking out MobiReady, a free website which evaluates the overall compatibility of your landing page/webpage with mobile devices.
4. Google Sites
If your landing page passes MobiReady’s scrupulous tests- then you should be ready to launch your mobile campaign. However, if it doesn’t or you don’t have a mobile-friendly landing page, my next recommendation is checking out Google sites, which lets you easily build a mobile friendly site with their mobile site template.
As you can see, it’s really easy to design a page- that will pass MobiReady’s tests!

5. Google Call Only Format
Another tool that works great with mobile devices is Google’s Call Only Format for Mobile. For anyone unfamiliar with this tool, it lets users call from your ad, without you needing a landing page/website for most mobile devices. Mobile devices, like Ipods and Ipads, will require a landing page, however, a clean, simple one, will work perfectly!


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